Since I was a high schooler, I have been dedicated to immersing myself into the world of filmmaking. I was lucky enough to take part in the MKE Film incubator program where I got to make two documentaries, one of which was shown in the Milwaukee Film Festival. Since then, I have worked on two student films: Our Brief Eternity and Kappa Gamma Ghoul, as an art department assistant.
Currently, I am working on a short documentary about the Longhorn Feature Twirler, telling her story in her last semester at UT Austin, and I will be working as a production design assistant on multiple films this semester.
documentary coverage excersize
For this assignment, we were told to record something happening in real time, so I documented my friends doing their makeup.
one word story
For my narrative production class, we were told to make a film based on an assigned word, and mine was “basic”.
narrative production final
Our final project for the narrative production class was to make a film based on a haiku.
stan culture documentary
I made this short doc in high school to document the music fandom I observed around me. It was shown in the MKE Film Festival youth section!
For my first film (and my favorite, to this day) I documented my mom and her sister making a pilgrimage to their favorite place and discussing their childhood.